Help save our bees for our childrens future

The cause or causes of the losses are not yet fully understood but it’s believed that a number of factors have contributed. The four most significant are:

Environmental changes such as the extensive use of pesticides, specifically insecticides, in farming.
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The loss of the flower-rich habitat on which bees depend for food. Natural habitats such as hedgerows, hay meadows and chalk grassland have all depleted over the past 70 years as a result of the intensification of agricultural systems.

Disease is another serious concern. Varroa is an external parasitic mite that attacks bees and spreads viruses to the bee. A serious mite infestation will lead to the death of an entire bee colony.

Changing climate. Recent wet summers have prevented bees from doing what they do best, searching out pollen.

Our apiaries are situated in various locations, within a mile of the picturesque River Ribble, in the South Ribble area of Preston. This gives our bees the opportunity to feed from the wealth of wild flowers growing along side the river, and everything that grows in the local farmers fields. By situating some of our hives in local authority allotments, our bees help local growers, by pollinating all their produce for the year. Our hives based in our local woodland, benefit from woodland flowers, and also help the local farmers by pollinating their crops.

Andy Donnelly

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